Friday, June 22, 2012


Camp Meeting is over for 2012.  I am dead tired and taking the day off.  The last night I just could not go, at least I thought.  I was having trouble with that sciatic nerve  The night before was I was  really hurting before we got out.  Then I got to thinking about what I would miss out on.  Oh, I could have watched it on out 
church's web sight ~ but it just isn't the same.  Anyway, I jumped up and got ready and went anyway.
I thought I could hurt at church as well as home.  

I'm so glad I did.  God was all over the place.  When you get a bunch of Fundamental Baptist in a Spirit filled service ~ no telling what might happen.  (Let me stop right here and say, it was all in descent and in order.)  Just because the Saints  of  God get blessed and shout and mind God  doesn't mean we are a bunch of Holy Rollers.  Although, if that is what it is all about then I don't mind being called that.   What will it be when we get to heaven?  Don't you think the Saints will be praising our Savior up there? 

Last night Bro Ken Bowman preached on forgiveness.  What a powerful lesson.  He illustrated how we drag around a burden of unforgiveness because someone has wronged us and never have ask  us to forgive them.
It may have been years ago ~ but we are still waiting for them to come to us.  When in actually, our Christian life is defeated, we are not in victory because that load we are carrying gets heavy.  Have you ever been there?  Our business is to forgive WHETHER THEY ASK OR NOT.  I'm glad we can forgive even as our Father hath forgiven us!  We can have victory over pass hurts if we just place that "unforgiveness on the altar"  and leave it there.  The day may come when someone may ask your forgiveness ~ but can I tell you from experience that if you have been hurt from within the church ~ they may never come to you for that forgiveness.  Don't go through life carrying that load.  Just forgive in your heart and leave the rest to God.
Will the devil ever bring it up?  A BIG YES!  But we can look him in the eye and say, "What are you talking about?  Don't you know where that "unforgiveness is? "  It is under the Blood on the cross of Calvary.

There was some powerful  preaching that I could not absorb it all.  But it us being put on the our church web site so if you want a blessing sometime just go to

I want to stop right here and say I'm so thankful for our pastor Bro. Rusty Silvertooth, his wife, Mrs Ceil that
have a servant's heart and has his flock at heart.  When we hurt, they hurt, when we rejoice, they rejoice.

We are getting ready to lay the foundation of our new church.  I know from being around a pastor's home for so many years ~ that the devil doesn't like what we are doing and he will wreck and destroy unless we pray and  keep a right attitude.  Pray for us as we start the building program.

Can I ask some of you a question?  Do you pass by my blog and don't comment?  Not that I have to have them, but it sure does encourage.  Unless I get more response, I am thinking about another avenue.  Will you let me know?  If you pass by can you just leave a little comment to let me know you are reading?  I would appreciate it very much.


manthano said...

I do read your posts.
I'm just much of a "commenter".
Thank you for them.

Unknown said...

I haven't attended a Camp Meeting service since my early twenties!! (that like 30 years ago!) lol

I used to sing at ours in the Greenville, S.c. area and Greenwood, S.C. area. Those services always have a flavor of their own. We really were out under a huge tent. Were you all?

my little cottage said...

hi im visiting some friends to invite them to the tuesday's musing...its a way to share your cooking recipee a thought Gods word..and to make friends..hope you will join..thanks if you do..blessings

Jenifer Harrod said...

I'm glad you had a good time. I suffer at church the best I think:)

A Peculiar Person said...

Just found your blog a few days ago, which (I guess) makes me your latest follower :0

God bless!

Unknown said...

I read your posts Aliene, but I'm so bad about commenting in general.

Your camp meeting sounds great by the way. I had to miss out on a camp meeting that was held locally a few weeks ago because of little ones. It's always exciting to be a part of when the spirit of God moves.

Marsha Young said...

A servant's heart is a precious thing to have in God's eyes.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

HI Aliene...I'm glad you went b/c it sounds so awesome. Forgiveness...I've learned if I don't forgive...I hurt myself. It's something we do not only for the other person but for us as well....Hope you have a great friday and no pain.... :)

Anonymous said...

i just found your blog and i like it! i can't follow because i can't get that button to work! frustrating!
anyway- i love love love this post! i would love to go to your church. i'd fit in just perfect!

Elaine said...

Hello Aliene,

Glad to hear the camp meeting went so well! We are looking forward to a meeting at the end of the month and hope to have the Lord move among us.