Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I found this and don't know who wrote it but really makes you think. God has been good, so good, His mercies are new every single day. Sometimes I wonder at His Grace for every situation in our life. He supplies my every need. I am so glad for a Savior that is not dead. We are a privileged people. If we would take time to sit down and just think on His Love and protection. Even when we are not aware of danger close by, our Savior has us covered. I often have wondered how close we came to a tragedy but He was there before us. I'm in His safe keeping now, tomorrow and always. Praise His Lovely Name! How good it is that God above has never gone on strike, Because he was not treated fair in things he didn't like, If only once he had given up and said, "That's it, I'm through!" "I've had enough of those on earth, so This is what I'll do." "I'll give my orders to the sun--cut off the heat supply!" "And to the moon give no more light, and run the oceans dry." "Then just to make things really tough, and put the pressure on," "Turn off the vital oxygen 'til every breath is gone!" You know he would be justified, if fairness was the game, For no one has been more abused, met with more disdain than God, And yet he carries on, supplying you and me. With all the favors of His grace, and everything for free. Men say they want a better deal, and so on strike they go. But what a deal we've given God to whom all things we owe. We don't care whom we hurt, to gain the things we like, But what a mess we'd all be in, if God should go on strike.


Deborah said...

That's good, Aliene. Praise the Lord for his longsuffering, mercy and grace!

Terri Tiffany said...

What a good throught provoking post. I am guilty of wanting to go on strike myself when things in life go wrong--I am thankful He doesn't ever!