Wednesday, June 18, 2008


"Now unto him, who is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us. Unto Him be glory in the church by ChristJesus throughout all ages, worlds without end. Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21 I read this verse and began to think on what a great God we have. We have been in camp meeting this week. In the preceding weeks I ask the Lord to come in His own sweet way and give us revival. I wanted more than just mercy drops - I wanted showers of blessing on my soul. I am thankful for the mercy drops but I needed a refueling spiritually. Last night the Lord went exceeding abundantly above all that I ask or could even think. He sent a gully washer. For you that don't know what a gully washer is let me tell you. Here in Louisiana we have a rainy season where sometimes the ditches overflow and water is everywhere for awhile. If you get out and look in the ditches you can see things floating that may have laid in the bottom of the ditch for awhile. When the rains come it brings all the trash to the top so we can see what really was there all the time. That is exactly what the Lord did this week of revival. His Presense moved in so sweetly and souls begin to get under conviction. Some that were church members realized that they had never been saved. Hypocrites? No! They thought they were saved but when the Spirit of God started searching hearts, oh my, what a difference it makes. One night in particular the Lord was there to hear our prayer and t0 lift the load of anxious care. Not just the load of sin, but Christians carry heavy loads sometimes. I'm glad we have an altar! I remember in days gone by that the altar was only for salvation. If you were a Christian and went to the altar, people would look at each other and wonder what you had done that was so bad that you needed an altar. But no so at Fundamental Baptist. The altar is always open for anyone and anything. This week souls were saved, the Christians challenged, burdens lifted. Some mentioned that they had never been in a service like that. I think sometimes we take things for granted! Our Christian liberty, our church, our pastor and so many things. But as God was so near I thanked Him for what we have at church. First we have a Pastor, Bro. Rusty Silvertooth and his wife, Mrs Ceil that care about their people. They truly have a servant's heart. They are never too busy to listen and help out all they can. He is a man of prayer. He challenges his people to pray. When we hurt- our pastor hurts. By the way, that's the way it is with the people too. When one hurts, we all hurt, when one is carrying a heavy load we all try to help. Sometimes we don't know what to say or do, but we can at least say "I love you and am praying for you." Then we have Mrs. Tammy Hardy that spends hours with the children's choir and special music. She invest hours of her time into these children. She truly has a servants heart. It is manifested as the choir sings. The children are such a blessing! What can I do for Mrs. Tammy? I can pray for her and pray for a wall of protection around our youth and boys and girls. The devil is out to get them but if we work together we can build a wall of prayer about them that not even Satan can penetrate.

We have ourAccociate Pastor, Bro. Felix Johnson and his wife, Mrs Dana. Our youth pastor, Bro Michael McAuthor and Mrs. Christi who invest in our youth. They are surely a blessing! We have the bus drivers who are so willing to get up early on Sunday and go out and run the bus route so precious boys and girls can hear the gospel and get saved. May I say that several of the bus drivers are Sunday School Teachers, also. What are they doing? Investing their time and prayers in the life's for eternity. What can I do? Keep them lifted up in prayer!

We have Sunday School Teachers and Children's Church Workers that are trying to reach some with the gospel. It seems that everyone trys to work together. I think that is the secret.

Am I saying that we have a perfect church? No, there is no such thing! But what I am trying to convey is: that in working together God blesses. I don't want to take His blessings for granted. I want to do my part, however small it may seem.

Last night the Lord send a gully washer. He came and washed some eyes with tears to overflowing that they might see. Some saw themselves as they really were. Lost and on their way to hell. The saints were blessed and encouraged to stay in the battle. We are fighting a real devil! But thank God - we can be overcomers by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony. There is a work to do. I read a story on How The work can be done. One evening years ago in the province of Alberta, Canada, a young father and mother and their small boy went out for a stroll near by a wheat field. As they wandered through the waving grain, each thought the other held the hand of their little boy. Suddenly they realized the boy was not with them! They called loudly but there was no answer. Becoming more disturbed, they hunted frantically but without success. Finally the father went to the nearby village and organized a search party. For two days they went without sleep, and then someone suggested they all hold hands surrounding the entire wheat field, thus leaving not one single square foot uncovered in the last effort. Following this plan, holding hands, they advanced on the field and soon came across the body of the child. A hush spread over them as they realized they were too late -- the child was dead. As the group stood there with bowed heads someone whispered, "If only we had joined hands before it was too late." It is not too late for us to join hands. The job of rescuing lost sheep around the world is too big for us. (May I say the job of rescuing lost sheep in Livingston Parish is too big for us.) But if we join hands, with God's help, we can do a much better job. I care not who gets the credit; but I do care that we do our best in rescuing the perishing. I'm glad the Lord will bless when we pray! That is the area in my life that the Lord dealt with this week. I will do my best to be faithful. Souls are depending on our prayers! Our children and grandchildren are depending on our prayers. Lord, help us to be faithful! Help us never to forget that Our God is able in every situation of our life. We serve a Great BIG WONDERFUL GOD! May we join hands and pray for the impossible. He is a God of impossibilities! He proved that in our 2008 camp meeting. The theme was REACHING THE NEXT GENERATION. They are depending on us! He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Hello! I've added you to my blogroll. Thanks for joining! I look forward to getting to know you.