Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I have been following the  "Fall into Fall give a ways."    I get so involved that I have not posted in a couple days.  So I thought I better do that first this morning.

I have been thinking about forgiveness.  Our Heavenly Father forgave us, but how are we on forgiving those that have wronged us?  In the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:14-15  "For if ye forgive men their trespasses,  your Heavenly Father will also forgive you: but if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will you Father forgive your trespasses."

What actually makes up this great Christian spirit of forgiveness?
I found an acoustic that about says it all.
 F orget the offense
 O bliterate the debt
 R estore the fellowship 
 G ladden the hear
 I dentify with the offender
 V indicate the indictment
 E ncourage the nobler life

Jesus practiced forgiveness when He was physically abused.
Also when he was on trial before Pilate.  When He was on the cross he cried out "Father,  forgive them, for they know not what they do."   When His disciples forsook Him and fled ~ He forgave.
So many times we see Jesus practicing forgiveness.  Isn't He our example?    

Has someone  wronged you?  Did you forgive? I have found out one thing in this Christian life. Never expect someone to ask your forgiveness.  Forgive them in your heart.  They may never ask.
If we wait for and wait for the "I'm sorry, I  have wronged you."
It may never come.  Keep a forgiving spirit!  Practice forgiveness!


Farming On Faith said...

Thanks for stopping by today. What a wonderful and true post. I am so thankful that God forgives me~so I have no right not to forgive others!

Anonymous said...

When we find it in our hearts to forgive even family members who have hurt us and who's lifestyles hurt the Lord - even when they don't ask - we know then that we have that forgiving spirit that God requires and loves.
Excellent post on forgiveness Aliene.
Hugs and blessings,

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Nice post...thanks!

Kathleen said...

Along this same line of thinking, I remember two quotes from my past:

"Do you want to be right, or do you want to be married?"

and ...

"You go first" (extending love, and extending forgiveness - deserved or not).

Great post!


Deborah said...

Great post Aliene! I love the acrostic.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visitng my blog Ailene. I love how you did the word forgive. I am going to remember that one! :) Thanks for the invitation. I accepted!

Amanda said...

You are so right Aliene! I have found also, that we may ask another for forgiveness, and they may not give it. I had to learn that lesson the hard way, not to have any expectancy. Some people just don't want to let go of offenses.

I enjoyed this post, thank you...