Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Did you wake up this morning with a heavy heart because of some burden that may be weighing you down? Or did you wake up with a joyul heart regardless of the things that have come your way. You might be in a deep valley right now. But just lift up thename of Jesus. Mary was in a dilemna when she found out she was with child. Her very reputation was on the line. She might be an outcast. Joseph's name would be on the line. Her parents ~ what would they say? But Mary looked beyond all that and all she saw was: She was to bring the Messiah into the world and she said "My soul doth magnify the Lord." She had enough faith to believe that God was in this and she could rest in Him. And we all know the outcome. That was one of her dark times for a little while, but God ws going before her to work things out. Another time had to be at the crucifixion where her Son hung on the cross. But her faith never faltered. Three days later she experienced an amazing event. Her Son was alive. You may be going through a deep dark valley today. It may seem that your reputation is on the line. Maybe some one has wronged you. (That happens in the Christian life.) Maybe you have a problem with your health. Maybe that child that you love so much has taken a wrong turn and you feel helpless to do anything. Whatever your situation in life this very moment ~ just take a few minutes and say, "My soul doth magnify the Lord." Remember ~ He never leave us in our distress. Just praise Him for being with you. The mountain top is in view. He will bring us out. We can either praise Him or we can feel sorry for our self. Self pity stinks. So why not Magnify the Lord. I just know your day will go much better.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Amen!! Wonderful words of encouragement! It is well with my soul!