Monday, February 16, 2009


" Who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver, in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us." 1Corinthians 1:10" Can you see what this scripture just said? Past tense, present tense and future tense! Who delivered! I am so glad He has delivered me from the past. I deserved to die and go to hell, but in His loving mercy ~ He took my sins to the cross and nailed them there. They are gone ~ never to be remembered against me again. I thank the Lord for sins forgivened. Also, He has delivered me from the on slaughts of Satan. Man, is the devil on the job in these last days. I know we talk a lot about the attacks on our youth, but may I say that he is after us all. Paul was writing just before this and said in verse 8 how he was "pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that he even despaired of life." Have you ever felt that you had more than you could bare? This last week was one the hardest that I have faced in a long time. (I should say that we have faced, for my husband was right there with me.) We had a terrible disappointment concerning a child, we had decisions to make that really broke our heart, we were lied to, disrespected, had to made a decision that broke our hearts, accused of things we did not do. We felt kind of like Paul, pressed out of measure! I don't think we were to the place where we despaired of life but the devil sure fought. Did I feel like going to church and teaching my class? No! Did I do it? Yes, because I know that is where I find strength. I know that is where I get help. I ask the Lord to help me to teach my class without breaking down. He did exactly what I ask! I made it through the whole day and night because He delivered. He has always come through for us when we ask. Then the scripture said: Who doth deliver! That's today, right now! Is He helping? I guarantee! We just brought it to the Lord this morning and laid it on the altar. Like Paul says elsewhere, "I die daily." Someone said, why should we worry when we give something to the Lord. Why lay awake at night and worry? It belongs to the Lord and if He wants to stay awake and worry it's His business. Of course, we know He doesn't do that, but I think the point was to just leave that burden with the Lord and let Him work. Well, He has deivered today and will keep on. Then it says, He will yet deliver. That means I will face things tomorow that I can't handle, but knowing that He is in the delivering business ~ I will face the trials as they come. Sure we will be tried, and tried over and over again. But we know our God! Like Paul, maybe we can be of comfort to someone else that may follow. Has the Lord delivered you from sin, is He yet delivering today, will He deliver tomorrow? If we let Him! what about that load that you may be carrying? Will you let Him deliver you? Man, the load surely is lighter when we surrender everything to Him. I don't know what tomorrow may bring ~ but this one thing I know ~ he will deliver. Praise His Lovely Name!


Ruthie said...

I have a picture with the saying "Lord, help me to remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that you and I together can't handle."
So The Lord will be with you even in the hard decisions.

GraceFromHim said...

Wow, Great devotion. I love it when God teaches us THROUGH these trials, it then that we take it to heart. We tend to ask "Why Lord"
God always sees us through, He will never fail us, as hard as it may get!

Prayed for you dear sister and thank you for sharing, it spoke to my heart today!

Deborah said...

You are such an inspiration Aliene! I know there is so much going on for you these days, and I'm so glad you are taking it all to the Lord, for He alone is able!
Sorry I've not been around much lately, but you're always in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you and your family, Aliene! Thank you for this lovely and timely reminder.

Cathy said...

Your post is a blessing to us, Aliene. I pray God will work things out for you and give you extra strength to endure and peace.
Love and Hugs,

Lois Christensen said...

I love how honest you were when you said, "Did I feel like going and teaching my class?" I too feel like that sometimes, not wanting to go to church, but do anyway knowing on those days I will receive something special from the Lord!
Thanks for visiting my blog today! What church does your sister and her husband pastor??? I'd be interested in knowing!!! Thanks!