Monday, April 20, 2009

It's the Inner Man that Counts

I know it is not president's day or anything special but as I was cleaning out today ~ I came across this little piece of paper that I found in an old 18oo (not sure of the date) Bible. I found this in a flea market in Pennsylvania as Iwas visiting my sister a few years back. I also found an old Pilgrims Progress that was given to to a lady from her Sunday School teacher in 1891. So I don't really have a date on when the book was published. It is illustrated with pictures and looks like onion skin paper on top of each picture. This particular saying was cut out of a newspaper about Abraham Lincoln. IT'S THE INNER MAN THAT COUNTS "By reading, Abrahm Lincoln brought himself in touch with the best of literature, especially the Bible. By close contact and observation, he learned to understand the thoughts and feelings of his fellow man. By self discipline he obtained a superb mastery of his own mind, and coud use his powers of intuition and reasoning with marvelous effect. That is education. He began as a rail splitter. He ended as a man who could split the tough barriers of political sophistry, and cut the Gordian knot which bound our country to disunion and despair. The name and title of 'a common man' would have pleased him. "But remember he was a common man with an uncommon soul." (Todays thought suggested by CharlesF. Bauder, director of Industrial Arts in the public school.) Can you imagine that being in our public schools today? Our nation has come a long way ~ but the question is: which way has it gone when God and the Bible cannot be mentioned in our school system?


Cathy said...

It is just awful how they want to take God out of everything today.

Lois Christensen said...

Unfortuately that will not be taught in our children's schools, but should be. Great post, I enjoyed reading the quote!

Grace on the Narrow Path said...

Great post! We have to teach our children to stand up for Christ. My son is in public school; he and his friends stick together for Christ. It's not easy, but as parents we must encourage our young to speak boldly for Christ. Thank you for this post!
God bless you,